This post provides an overview and learning objectives of Chapter 9 from my book Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things.
Location aware devices are going to be one of the largest contributors of savings from IoT implementation. The usages of this IoT pattern will be seen in various different types of scenarios e.g. optimal route planning, endangered wildlife tracking and pin pointing crash locations etc.
In this chapter, you are going to build a Livestock Tracking System. The figure below shows a high-level diagram of all components involved in this system. The first component is an Arduino device that captures current coordinates and publishes it to a server using HTTP request. The second component is a server that receives GPS coordinates and stores them in a database. The final component is a web page that shows stored GPS coordinates on a map. This web page is physically going to reside on the server as well.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter you will be able to:
- Read GPS coordinates
- Publish GPS coordinates to a server
- Display GPS coordinates in a map