Adeel Javed - Why Digital Transformation Can't Proceed Without Process Digitization

Why Digital Transformation Can't Proceed Without Operational Process Transformation

MWD Advisors’ Neil Ward-Dutton reently did a webinar explaining how digital transformation can't proceed without process digitization.

As usual, he is absolutely correct! Organizations going through digital transformation journey focus more on transforming customer experience and business model. Both of these areas are visible to the customer hence considered more important than operational processes.

Adeel Javed - Digital Business Platform

A great looking website, mobile app or a digital product is required, they will (likely) result in great customer conversion rates, but in all cases, they will trigger or interact with some internal process. An organization will be able to acquire new customers of course, but customer retention will heavily depend on how good or bad their internal processes are.

Internal processes should not be visible to the customer. A bad internal process will be visible to the customer, it will not only annoy the customer but frustrate workers as well. A good process, on the other hand, will be invisible, which should be the goal. The customer experience should be so seamless that a customer should not need to know an organization's internal processes.

There are three building blocks of operational process transformation:

  • Process Digitization
  • Worker Engagement
  • Performance Management

Organizations can focus on each of these building blocks to transform their operational processes, which in turn advances them in their digital transformation journey.

Read more about operational process transformation.